Rafter KL
Bovine Performance Center
Rafter KL
Bovine Performance Center
"We find the buckers"

The name says it all. We are a bucking bull operation from start to finish! Based out of Prague, Oklahoma Kyle and Molly Lippincott own and operate Rafter KL Bovine Performance Center with their two boys, Riggin and Clancy. Kyle has been involved in rodeo and bucking bulls for the better part of his life. Growing up, all he wanted to do was be a bull rider and raise bucking bulls. The bull rider part did not come to fruition, but raising bucking bulls sure did. The cow herd consists of 40+ ABBI registered momma cows, raising the next generation of Rafter KL buckers. Kyle and Molly not only raise and compete with their own bulls, but take in bulls for other breeders and bull owners to train and compete with. If you're looking for a competition calf, a high powered female, or looking for somewhere to send your next super star, Rafter KL Bovine Performance Center is the answer!
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Successful Weekend in El Reno, OK!
323 Final Effort (Moran Taxidermy / Rafter KL) posted a 90.32 score at the American Bucking Bull Inc's $1M Futurity Qualifier in El Reno, Oklahoma to pick up a good check and punch his ticket to the $1M Futurity Semi Finals this coming March in Abilene, Texas. 3B Cattle Co's 303 Fu Man Doo turned in a score of 89.12 points to also secure his spot in the $1M Futurity Semi Finals.
The $1M Futurity Semi Finals is made up of the Top 25 two-year-old bulls from each of the four qualifying events. The Top 30 from the Semi Finals in March will advance to the $1M Futurity Championship in conjunction with the 2025 PBR World Finals in Fort Worth, Texas (May 11) and compete for a $900K purse, where the winner will receive a check for $250,000!
381 Cheap Trick - 91 Points!
A&K Cattle Co / Rafter KL's Cheap Trick turns in his second score of 91 points or better in Ada, Oklahoma on New Year's Eve!
2024 Bovine Performance Draft!

2024 Yearling Academy Buck Day & BBQ
2024 Yearling Bovine Academy consisted of calves enrolled by breeders from Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming! TBR Bucking Bulls received the T-V Custom Silver “Top Bull” buckle of the day! 2025 Yearling Academy will take place February 1 through March 29th. Enrollments will open December 1, 2024.

We chose Rafter KL to haul 808 Stone Cold Gangster because he never wavered in believing the bull was great. He went the extra mile that was needed to take his time and work with him and it produced incredible results. Kyle is a good communicator, educated, and well connected in the bull industry. He is honest, easy to work with for training, hauling, and sales. We recommend his program to anyone!
Sam Gallaher - Sons of Buckers Bucking Bulls